
I visited my cousin and her beautiful new baby daughter, Zoé, this week.  My cousin had made delicious freshly-baked chocolate chip cookies, and they were so good I asked for the recipe. On the way home I bought all of the ingredients to make a batch. Happy days!

Last night I whipped up the mixture and popped two trays of cookies in the oven..

And then promptly forgot about them.

This photo actually makes them look better than they did in real life. The tray was black. All of those chunks of delicious cadbury chocolate, now charred and unsalvageable... just devastating.

** In my defence, once I popped the trays in the oven, David took over the kitchen to make dinner, so I kind of forgot that I was baking. And I'm almost 39 weeks pregnant, so I'm invoking the "baby brain" excuse.